Twitter: What, Why and How
This is a Twitter presentation I gave to about 60 marketers in Atlanta last week. Great discussion, lots of interest in Twitter and an equal amount of justified skepticism. Any thoughts or input on the presentation are welcome!
Twitter: What, Why and How?
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Hey Jeff –
Excellent presentation – thanks for including my Tweet (as @AtlCavalier) :)
We've seen several brands succeed with customer service, public relations and product launch efforts – curious if “social sales” came up as a topic during your discussion. Has anyone found any examples of purchases made from Tweets? I'd also be keen to know if there are any Twitter tools that have been developed to facilitate e-commerce or auctions from places such as Craigslist or eBay? It seems to be the most likely next frontier.
Michelle Batten
Definitely, the question about sales via Twitter did come up. Best example to date still seems to be Dell, who said they had $1MM in sales from Twitter in 2008. But accountability from a revenue standpoint was definitely a topic of discussion. I think most people today realize its a place to converse and help customers, but many are still trying to figure out a way to monetize it directly.
Definitely, the question about sales via Twitter did come up. Best example to date still seems to be Dell, who said they had $1MM in sales from Twitter in 2008. But accountability from a revenue standpoint was definitely a topic of discussion. I think most people today realize its a place to converse and help customers, but many are still trying to figure out a way to monetize it directly.