6 Things You Might Have Missed Last Week
This is a recap of some of the more important things that happened last week plus some things that I happened to find out about (cool sites or products I wasn’t aware of). I find it helpful when blogs do this as sometimes I miss things when traveling.
Jan 31 – Feb 6: This particular week was pretty light except for Facebook’s redesign.
Facebook went through a pretty major redesign.
Status:THIS launched with a comic that found its way to mashable among other places. Brilliant first comic by @atlantajones.
The Internet was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. I am not making this up.
AT&T announced its going to allow SlingPlayer to run on its network. Personally excited about this one.
We were introduced to the Selleck Waterfall Sandwich. You know you love it.
Cursebird : Hilarious site that tells you how much you swear on Twitter and then gives you a ranking. Apparently I swear like a bad golfer.