Want to be successful? Be willing to accept help when its offered.
Sometimes people confuse accepting help with a sign of weakness. They think if they admit they need help that it means they are less capable and it will appear they are inadequate. This is the ultimate sign of a person’s ego holding them back. Recently I experienced a person like this. I was talking to…
Read More5 Questions for a CEO: Devon Wijesinghe, Insightpool
Last week I wrote my first 5 Questions for a CEO post and I really enjoyed the process so I thought I’d keep the ball rolling. This week I reached out to my friend, Devon Wijesinghe, who runs a terrific company called Insightpool. Describe Insightpool and why its going to change the world. Insightpool is…
Read More5 Questions for a CEO: Raymond King, Zoo Atlanta
I love Zoo Atlanta and am currently on the marketing advisory council where I meet quarterly to help the marketing team plan their strategy. It’s an honor to be included and probably my favorite aspect of being on that council has been the opportunity to become friends with Raymond King, the Zoo’s CEO. Raymond and…
Read MoreBuilding great teams
Last night some of my old Spunlogic and Engauge friends got together for some drinks to celebrate one of the last Spunlogic holdouts to leave Engauge. Soon, there will be only one Spunlogician (I always loved that term for our team members) left. For those that don’t know what I’m talking about, I sold my…
Read MoreThe power of simplification
“The great simplifier”. That’s what my good friend, DonovanĀ (Sandbox Digital), refers to me as when I’m giving him advice. And he’s right. I prefer to hear enough of the problem to get me to a viable solution and then make a decision. To say I’ve never been subject to the classic analysis paralysis would be…
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