I think “this” is the type of company we’d all like to work at
Inspiring video tweeted recently by @saywha. It gets a little “thisy” in the middle but its a great video about the importance of picking the right place to work.
Inspiring video tweeted recently by @saywha. It gets a little “thisy” in the middle but its a great video about the importance of picking the right place to work.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jeff Hilimire, Jon McClellan, Paul Murray, Hinda Incentives, Gordon Rogers and others. Gordon Rogers said: Who'd of thunk office furniture could be so inspiring? https://j.mp/fQCe2o via @jeffhilimire […]
This is all well and good, assuming any of it is actually true. I recall reading something similar a while back about Netflix.
I will agree with a couple points, however. Salary and perks do not a life make. When you’re ready to retire, will you say “gee, I’m so glad I had a steady salary and had ping pong and free coffee for 20 years”? Or would you rather say “I really DID something with my career”?
How a company treats its employees as people is just as effective of a branding strategy as any marketing campaign. I’m a believer that branding starts from the inside out. If you get your employees loyal to your company, that’ll ultimately extent to the customer base. Smart video from Herman Miller.