I’ve been Alltopped
I like Alltop. It’s the “online magazine rack” of popular topics, or so they say. Guy Kawasaki is involved and he’s a pretty smart dude.
It’s an interesting way to help weed through the information overload that is out there. Google Reader does it albeit in a different, more manual way. I personally have been using, and loving, Feedly. But this is self-reported interesting sites whereas Alltop finds the interesting bits for you.
Anyways, Alltop’s been around for a while but the cool part is they listed my site in the http://startups.alltop.com/ section. Since my listing went live almost a month ago, about 2% of my traffic has come from this listing. So it’s not yet a huge traffic driver or anything. It’s just kinda interesting. To me, anyway.
Oh, and here’s the badge of honor ;)