A book you might enjoy
I recently read Bringing Nothing to the Party by Paul Carr. I learned about Paul when he left Techrunch in a blaze of glory. He’s since landed in Vegas and started a new company, Not Safe For Work, which seems to be a publishing company for tablet magazines. I give the book a B+ and…
Read MoreiPhone apps I’m testing – the second screen strategy!
I test a lot of iPhone apps. Partly I need to because of my job, but mainly I’m just eager to play with new stuff. Several months ago I made the second screen on my iPhone (and iPad) a place where I test apps. My home screen is for the apps I use the most and…
Read MoreChecking out this Mightybell app
I read this morning about a new service called Mightybell, which is Gina Bianchini’s new outfit. You might recognize her name as she was the former CEO of Ning. Mightybell, which you can try to sign up for here but they may be out of early invitations, is described by Bianchini as being “…based on…
Read MoreYOU are a start-up
I’ve always thought Reid Hoffman was one of the true visionaries in the start-up/Internet/newest new space. The guy has an amazing resume. Success seems to always find him. He co-founded LinkedIn. He was involved as a board of director level with the founding of PayPal and helped get them to the sale to eBay. He…
Read MoreGo small or go home
GO SMALL OR GO HOME That’s the motto for today’s companies, marketers and startups. And for our careers. No longer are we meant to Swing Big! Hit it out of the park! Go for the knockout punch! …If I think of another sports metaphor for this I’ll let you know. You gotta start small today.…
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