When I invest in startups I’m investing in the founder(s) over the idea
I’m a big believer in betting on the person over the idea of the startup. Every startup I’ve invested in has been because of the founder(s) rather than the business plan. When we created Shotput Ventures in 2009 that was our big focus, betting on the teams vs. the idea (though we wanted good ideas…
Read MoreAugmented Reality Glasses for Firefighters – a firefighter’s initial impression
When Hateya (a Belgium company) announced that they have developed technology that helps firefighters navigate burning buildings via augmented reality glasses, I immediately reached out to one of my friends who is a firefighter hero to ask him his impression is of this new technology. Here is what he had to say: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Very, very…
Read More11 reasons I backed the Kreyos Smartwatch
I recently backed the Kreyos Smartwatch on Indiegogo (a Kickstarter competitor) and since I already have a Pebble Watch, I thought I’d explain why I wanted this device. If you aren’t familiar with the Kreyos, you can check out the video at the bottom. I always knew the Pebble Watch was “version one” of smart…
Read MoreWhy the Yahoo acquisition of Tumblr is great: Focus
I’ve talked about the need to focus before on this blog. In fact, its advice I gave the younger me in a post as I reflected on what I’ve learned over the years. The ability for leaders to focus is what allows them to accomplish great things vs. produce a lot of mediocre things. After reading this…
Read MoreHuh, thought we already had a “hater” app…its called Twitter
Yeah, I won’t be downloading this Hater app. Kinda feel like we have enough hate and negative spewing out into the social ether. And I’m not about all that negativity ;)
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