3 Golden Rules for Being a Successful Startup Employee #blindpost
The first time I had a startup, I was 22 and had no clue what I was getting myself in to. This time, with Dragon Army, I have the benefit of understanding how to create a business from the ground up and I’ve been studying the startup world for a solid ten years, so its…
Read MoreEntrepreneurs shouldn’t be afriad to do unscalable things, including wearing a gorilla suit like Scoutmob’s Tavani
I think I’ve adequately shared my happiness with being able to start Dragon Army within the Atlanta Tech Village to anyone who I’ve talked to in the last month and of course, on this blog. One of my favorite things is the tremendous amount of events that take place here. Case in point, on Wednesday…
Read MoreYesterday was a big day for Dragon Army
Yesterday was a great day at Dragon Army. We submitted our first app to the Apple App Store and celebrated with champagne (thanks Adam for the gift, it is now a piece of Dragon Army lore!). We aren’t sharing what it is yet, but if you join our beta list you’ll be one of the…
Read More8 things I learned from Danny Davis about leadership at our fireside chat last night
(thanks for the great photo, Jay!) Last night my good friend and marketing extraordinaire, Stephanie Critchfield, interviewed Danny Davis and I in a “fireside chat” on leadership at Digital Atlanta. Danny and I were partners at Spunlogic (along with Raj and Raghu) so it was fun to talk about our experiences, both together and then…
Read MoreWelcoming our newest dragon, Amanda
Amanda joined Dragon Army yesterday, making her the 5th member of the team. She will be leading marketing for the us as well as being in charge of giving Ryan a hard time, which I’m already very much enjoying. Also, as you can see from the photo we’re starting to build out our space at Atlanta Tech…
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