I wasn’t lying when I said I funded my first company with personal credit cards
Raghu (a great friend and one of my partners at Spunlogic) recently found this print out of the credit cards that laid out their balances and APR as of 6/8/06. As I’ve mentioned before, we self-funded Spunlogic through personal credit cards until we were able to get a line of credit with Suntrust (you can…
Read MoreI asked 17 of Atlanta’s most successful FEMALE entrepreneurs what it means to be an entrepreneur…
Last week I wrote a blog post where I asked 17 of Atlanta’s top entrepreneurs to finish the sentence, “To be an entrepreneur is to…”. Fortunately, I have many female entrepreneur friends that quickly pointed out that I included exactly zero female entrepreneurs on my list. And that’s really inexcusable. We have such a vibrant…
Read MoreThe ultimate partnership
Last night I celebrated the recent sale of Engauge with my three Spunlogic partners, Raj Choudhury, Danny Davis and Raghu Kakarala. We had so much fun talking about the good old days, reminiscing about our biggest successes and failures, and catching up with each other on what we’re all up to today. As I drove…
Read MoreA willingness to be misunderstood
“Bezos then predictably unleashed a steady tide of Jeffisms, about long-term thinking, about a willingness to… to be misunderstood…” ~ Brad Stone, The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon I just finished the book, The Everything Store, about journey of Jeff Bezos and Amazon. Fantastic book. I highly recommend it. Toward the end…
Read MoreDragon Army and the Village hosted Michelle Nunn
We really enjoyed hosting Michelle Nunn last week at Dragon Army. Hoping that more of the political candidates start getting focused on technology startups and visiting places like Atlanta Tech Village and Hypepotamus.
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