The DIG:this podcast is off to a great start

In case you missed it, DIG has been producing a weekly podcast for almost a month.  What’s DIG?  The Digital Innovation Group at Engauge, focused on emerging technology like social media and mobile marketing (you can like DIG on Facebook to stay up on our latest activity). So far we’ve interviewed some really interesting companies…

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WeReward paid me $10.09 to post this blog

Not really.  But I did just earn $10.09 through the WeReward app.  If you aren’t up on WeReward, you probably haven’t been reading my blog very much (busted).  Here is a little about the way they’ve tackled the location-based application space, here is why I think WeReward is a possible winner in a crowded category,…

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3 reasons check-in apps aren’t going to make it

I wrote a while back about why I was down on Foursquare.  That post was specific to Foursquare, which I still think is a great tool but my conclusion is that in its current state, I’m not cool enough to appreciate it. But I’ve been studying the “check-in” apps for quite a while now and…

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Chili’s is having some social fun

If you missed this, you need to check it out.  It’s Steve Correll making fun of the LeBron “Decision” television extravaganza a few weeks back.  Brilliant stuff. And I love how Chili’s is playing along.  On their Facebook page they have a response to Correll’s “decision” ala the same way the owner of the Cavs…

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