Here’s the simple trick I used to accomplish more in 2019 than I ever thought I could.
Ever feel like you’re not getting enough done? Like you’re spinning your wheels, you’re busier than ever, yet when the day is done and you think back to what you accomplished, you aren’t sure if you accomplished… anything? By all accounts, I accomplished a lot in 2019. I ran my first marathon, published my first book, acquired two…
Read MoreI read 36 books in 2019. Here are the best ones.
While I read 52 books in 2018, I only managed 36 books in 2019. I say only because I was shooting for 53 (you know, one more than the year before) but realized pretty early on that was an unrealistic goal. I think averaging three books a month is my sweet spot. The Billionaire Who…
Read MoreThe energy is contagious #whatdragonsdo
For six years I was on The Children’s Museum of Atlanta‘s board. It is such a fantastic organization, run by a fantastic leader. Jane, you’re an inspiration :) Today, I help more strategically when they have something specific that I can contribute to. This is my preferred way of helping nonprofits that I’m not actively…
Read MoreDadding the best I can (a podcast interview)
If you know me, I’m unapologetically focused on my family. It’s hard to pull me away on nights or weekends because that’s my family time. Later today I’m leaving work early to be the Mystery Reader at my daughter’s school. I dig being a dad, and a husband, above all else. Most of the time…
Read MoreThree days of massive progress
There are always pivotal moments in life where you have meeting, do a thing, have an idea, that create meaningful momentum against your goals. You can always sense it afterwards, realizing that you’ve made a major impact on your ability to succeed. The last three days (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week) I had…
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