Living in the inbox

If it’s in my inbox, it gets done. It’s that realization that I came to about six months ago that made me fully embrace email rather than run from it.  I have tried almost every possible solution to managing the work day ( meaning communication, task management and general organization/priorities). For instance, I’ve tried: Omnifocus…

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Some changes to how I’m managing my time

I’m starting to become slightly obsessed with how I manage my time. I have to be as I’m pulled in a lot of directions and if I’m not careful, I’ll end up spending too much time on the less important critical things and not enough time on the things that are the most important to…

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My new and improved to-do system

I’ve struggled with to-do lists for a long time. I’ve tried many of the popular apps (and blogged about those experiences) and even used Evernote as a to-do list for a while. The problem was that over time I would check the app less frequently and the process would start to lose its effectiveness. Even…

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