Even Batman is annoyed with checking in
Found a great new blog, Frak Yeah Social Media, and this hidden nugget there…
Read MoreTwo things I learned at the QR Code lunch/learn that @engauge hosted yesterday
DIG team members Stacy Cohen, Kathlene Hestir and Kaitlyn Dennihy hosted a QR Code lunch and learn yesterday for our clients. They rocked it, of course. There were two specific things that I learned in that session. The first is the Google URL shortner,, has the ability to generate unique QR codes by simply…
Read MoreIn case you missed it, my thoughts and feelings on the state of location-based apps
In an article on Friday in Ad Age, I lay out my thoughts on where the location-based app industry is and why I think it has to evolve. Article: Gimmicks Aren’t Enough to Drive Adoption of Location-Based Shopping
Read MoreThe iPad isn’t a mobile device, or is it? Zuckerburg says no.
Hm. So back in April I wrote this post, “The iPad, is it really a mobile device?“, and I got into a nice debate with @kplanovsky. And I’ve since spoken many times on the subject of mobile and I continue to think that the iPad, while it has its merits, isn’t a mobile device. And…
Read MoreMy quick cinchy thoughts on Facebook Places and Deals
This is my first Cinch, which I describe as podcasts meet Twitter. Love your thoughts both on Cinch and also on where I see the location-based arena going now that Facebook has announced “Deal”s on top of Places.
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