The power of DOING

“Doing” must be one of the most over-looked and underappreciated aspects of success. Of course you have to start the doing, which is why I named my blog Begin the Begin – the act of actually starting is usually the first prohibitor to success. And while doing, you also have to be willing to fail.…

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José the cab driver has a plan…and a mentor

I like to talk to cab drivers. I find that they’re like the bartenders for business travelers, often happy to give life advice to their passengers. Plus they’re just generally hilarious. You should try it. Recently I was traveling to Engauge’s Orlando office and I got a ride with José the cab driver. José was full of…

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YOU are a start-up

I’ve always thought Reid Hoffman was one of the true visionaries in the start-up/Internet/newest new space. The guy has an amazing resume. Success seems to always find him. He co-founded LinkedIn. He was involved as a board of director level with the founding of PayPal and helped get them to the sale to eBay. He…

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An inspiring quote on leadership and confidence

I recently read the book Onward by Howard Schultz. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone that has sold his/her business or works for a company that is trying to refocus and get back that entrepreneurial spirit, remembering why the company was started in the first place. Or if you’re a fan…

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