What I’ve learned so far halfway through the Steve Jobs book

I’ve really been enjoying the book by Walter Isaacson called simply, Steve Jobs. It’s a very comprehensive dive into Jobs’ entire life. Believe it or not, I haven’t always been an Apple fanboy (though I am now, which becomes clear when you see this and read this). I’m not afraid to admit it now, however.…

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The excuses that stop you from being great

Note: I challenge you before you read this to stop for a second and jot down a few things that you would write if you were given this topic to expand on. I’d love for you to share a few of those thoughts in the comments to see what I missed. I’ve worked on this…

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10 mistakes I’ve made so you won’t have to

Here are 10 mistakes that I’ve made over the past 15 years that I thought I’d share. It’s in no particular order, though as I reflect on it there definitely seems to be a reverse timeline sort of thing happening, where the first part of the list refers more to the last five years and…

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