What I learned from the Superboys

I just finished the book, Superboys (Amazon affiliate link), which tells the story of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the original creators of Superman. It’s a fascinating story mostly because of how difficult it was for them to get Superman off the ground (pun intended, particularly because Superman didn’t even fly until years after he…

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Wantrepreneurs – begin the begin!

I’ve been enjoying reading some of Mark Suster‘s blog posts and watching some of his videos on YouTube lately. He’s both an entrepreneur and a venture capitalist and I find I agree with almost everything he says. In the video below, Mark gives advice to new entrepreneurs and talks about “wantrepreneurs”. These are people that…

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Think like an entrepreneur and nothing can stop you

Because I started a company in college – before ever having a “corporate” job – I didn’t know the rules.  I had to overcome any obstacle thrown my way and didn’t know you could say, “Well, that’s out of my control so I can’t do anything about that.” Or, “If my boss would tell people…

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Branson on entrepreneurship

This is a really nice set of videos from Richard Branson on entrepreneurship. “Dream big by setting yourself seemingly impossible challenges. You then have to catch up with them.” Yup.

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