My next book, The Crisis Turnaround, is now available for pre-order (at a discounted price of $7.99)!
Friends, I’m excited to announce that my second book, The Crisis Turnaround, is available for pre-order! I’m keeping the price discounted at $7.99 until it goes live next week.
In order to get the book out as fast as possible – my thinking is that it’s probably better to be in your hands during an actual crisis 🧐 – it is only available in Kindle form currently. The paperback likely won’t be out for a few more months, so I’d love for you to give the Kindle version a try!
The focus of the book is on leading during a crisis.
Like my first book, The 5-Day Turnaround, I wrote this as a narrative/fable. The lead character is the same as in 5-Day, only he’s leading his company during a pandemic crisis this time (go figure).
Many of the lessons in this book are strategies that my company, Dragon Army, has implemented over the last few months. Additionally, a great deal of the lessons are things I’ve read or researched, and many ideas came as advice from my friends. I tried to make it as actionable as possible, because now is the time to act.
And bonus, one of the leaders I respect so much, Hala Moddelmog (CEO of the Metro Atlanta Chamber, and former president and CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure), wrote the foreword!
I really hope you’ll give it a read, and please do tell anyone that you think would benefit from some lessons on leading during a crisis. Thanks!
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