Why do you assume I see two roads?

In most cases, the “hard road” implies a path that requires more effort and work, and likely has a bigger payoff.

If you’re driven and trying to accomplish real change (what’s your Purpose?), often times there is only one road for you.

My Purpose is intentionally BIG: To have an out-sized, positive impact on the world. It forces me to focus and by focusing, I see the road that will lead me to making the biggest impact.

The easy, less fulfilling road isn’t even an option ;)


  1. Brendon Buys on January 15, 2022 at 4:28 am

    Good day, I struggle to see other paths and end up taking the path I think is best. (for me and others). My choices have lead me a dead ends and at this point suicide seems like a very viable option. I am about to reach rock bottom and finances dont allow me to get the help I need. I am alone in my world and cant do this on my own. I work hard and want to be wanted and want to be there for other’s ( mostly loved ones). I have been rejected so many times, by friends, family or potential romantic relationships. I struggle to love myself and want to be loved and accepted. What am I missing? Is this the end? I could “go” right now…

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