This isn’t my first rodeo…
Jokes aside, it takes a lot more than one rodeo to be a great…rodeoer?
When I think about my journey so far, I certainly didn’t know what I was doing when running Spunlogic from 1998 – 2008. Ten years. And while we accomplished a lot, I didn’t know how to be a CEO by the end of it. Not really.
Then at Engauge, from 2008 – 2013, I was Chief Digital Officer, then President, but after five and a half years, I still didn’t know how to be a CEO.
I’ve been the CEO of Dragon Army for six years (2013 – present). And while I’m still learning – and likely always will be – I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. We’re beginning to hit a real stride, and unlike my previous companyies, we have a Purpose that inspires us every day. We live it and breathe it, and it binds us together in a way that I have never seen before.
The thing I like about the rodeo analogy is that presumably you fall A LOT in your first attempts. It’s the getting up that helps you learn and get better at…rodeoing?
Have you been in enough rodeos to be great at what you’re doing?