My leadership team at Dragon Army is reading these books to help us remember the type of company we want to become

At Dragon Army, our Purpose is to Inspire Happiness. And each quarter, I have the leadership team read a book (or books) on a particular topic, then we use this as the foundation for our quarterly offsite leadership retreat. For instance, our Q4 2018 leadership books were focused on health and wellness.

As a company that is driven to change the world for the better, I wanted our team to read books that inspire us in that direction. Each person picked one of these books to read: Thirst (Charity: Water), Let My People Go Surfing (Patagonia), Do the Kind Thing (Kind Bars), and A Selfish Plan to Change the World (Made in a Free World).

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  1. […] I’ll pick a few books and assign them to various groups, like I did earlier this year with books around health & wellness. I’m a big reader, if ya didn’t know […]

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