3 questions I recently asked the Dragon Army leadership team…and you should ask yourself!

Every two months, the leadership team at Dragon Army has dinner together at the office, pot-luck style. It’s a time for us get to know each other better and discuss big topics that we don’t always have time to discuss. Props to David for suggesting this to us earlier this year!

As a start to the dinner, I put up a handful of post-it notes on the wall like the ones you see above. Each team member walks up and moves one post-it up and one post-it down. Up = most interesting question to discuss; Down = least interested in discussing it.

The three post-its you see above are the “winners” (highest on the wall) from our dinner last week. They provided us with extremely meaningful dialogue, and I suggest you think about those questions not only for your business/work, but also for your life overall.

What’s happening in your life or in your work when you feel happy and energized?

If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your life or your work?

A year from now, your life or your work went badly…what happened?

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