A possible reading plan for 2019

This year I have a goal of reading 52 books – a book a week on average. I’m ahead of schedule and expect I should be able to make it happen.

I’m considering changing this up for 2019. The act of having a public goal this year has helped hold me accountable to read more than I normally would have. No thanks, new TV show, I have a book to read!

In 2019, I’m toying with the idea of going deep on a subject, possibly per quarter. For example, I’m very interested in diving deep into MLK’s life, the same way I have done for the last year on Bobby Kennedy‘s life. I could take Q1 (Jan – March) and read books on MLK, but also feel free to listen to podcasts about him, read some of his speeches online, watch YouTube videos of him, etc.

I’m certain I’d read less books overall, but I’d likely learn more along the way…I think.


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