Let the sun rise when making BIG decisions

This is another amazing nugget from Doug Shipman, President and CEO of the Woodruff Arts Center. You might remember that Doug met with my leadership team at Dragon Army recently and shared the sage advice for leaders to not pick up the oar. Still love that one.

During that meeting, Doug also shared with us the concept of “letting the sun rise when making big decisions.”

The idea is that, as a leader wired to make decisions and move quickly, its important when considering big ticket items to take a bit of time. To sleep on it. To let the sun rise, if you will.

I can say that in my current world, where I have the ability to make bigger mistakes than I did when I was 25, that this is something I have had to learn (the hard way, in some cases.) I’m constantly weighing how much time and deliberation I need to make with decisions, and almost always – again, because I’m wired for SPEED – I find that the longer I wait, the smarter the decision.

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