Improvement by doing and reading

I continue to believe that the two best ways to learn and improve yourself are direct experience and reading (or watching/listening*.)

For me, there has been no greater teacher than direct experience. Trying new things, putting yourself out there, exposing yourself to new experiences…these are the keys to education. And its the mistakes, I believe, that teach us the most. (some of my thoughts on mistakes)

Reading is another great way to educate yourself. I’m a student of business and entrepreneurship, and while I definitely learn by doing, there is only so much that I can experience directly. Learning how great leaders of the past tackled their biggest issues, for instance, is a great way for me to visualize how I might react in those situations, as well as how I can better prepare for the future.

This is why I’m trying to read a book a week in 2018, and I’m reading things about past presidents and leaders, about how to create strong, thriving teams, and about how companies use their influence to do more good in the world. These are things that are important to me at this point in my life, so I’m devouring books on those subjects.

What is it that you want to be better at, and how are you improving through experiences and/or reading?

* Some people don’t enjoy physically reading a book, and reading isn’t really the key. The key is absorbing the right type of content to help move you forward toward your Purpose or goals. This could come from many other mediums, just as long as its not sitcoms and romance novels. There is a place for entertainment, but that’s most likely not going to propel you forward.

~ photo by @kylejglenn

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