48in48 is in Minneapolis this weekend…and I’m not there!

My awesome 48in48 team (left to right): Carole, Adam, Gina, and Ethan
The 48in48 gang is in Minneapolis this weekend to put on our first ever event in the Twin Cities! This is the second event in 2017 (Boston was the first, and Atlanta and New York are coming up.)
What’s 48in48? It’s a nonprofit that I started with Adam Walker in 2015 that puts on hackathon-style events in cities across the globe (next year we’re going to London!), building 48 nonprofit websites in 48 hours with local creative and technology talent. Each event provides $1.5 million in donated services to that city’s nonprofits…in a weekend!
Up to this point, we’ve put on four events: Atlanta twice, New York, and Boston. And the event this weekend will be the first one that I will miss :(
On one hand, I’m extremely bummed out to be missing the experience of 48in48. I hate not being there with the gang, not seeing all the passionate volunteers working all weekend to help others, and not being there at the end of the weekend when we announce the winners.
But on the other hand, as a leader, I’m thrilled that the team can go on with out me, and I’ll know they’ll do an incredible job.
I’ll be keeping up with them the entire time though, and you should, too! Here are the social hooks:
This weekend’s hashtag: #48in48msp
[…] was sad to miss my first 48in48 event, this time in the Twin Cities, but of course everything turned out great! Check out the great media posted from the event on […]