Collecting dots vs. connecting dots #artofnetworking

I tell anyone that is trying to build a company – or a career – that learning how to be a good networker is critical. And there are many ways to become a good networker, but above all else you need to be authentic – don’t act like you care about someone in the hopes of having them help you. Give, give, and give some more, before you ever ask for anything. End every meeting with, “How can I help you?”

But the real crux of this post is about the difference between “collecting dots” and “connecting dots”. Someone shared this to me recently* as their approach to networking, and I just loved it. The very best networkers are in the business of connecting people together, not simply amassing their own new connections.

When I’m spending time with new people, I’m always trying to see if there are others who can help them on their journey. Obviously, my first instinct is to see how I can help, but sometimes connections to others is even more impactful than what you personally can bring to bear.

Pro tip: When connecting two people together, in most cases you should ask each person if this is a connection they would like. Respect the fact that everyone is busy and make sure you’re truly providing a benefit to both people when making the introduction.

* if YOU were the person that mentioned this to me, please give yourself credit in the comments!

~ photo by Daria Shevtsova


  1. […] should be about connecting dots, not collecting dots. I’ve written before about the best ways to meet people and grow your network (and how […]

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