3 questions about leadership

I was asked to be ready to answer one of these questions at an upcoming award show (yes, I won an award, it can happen!*). I thought I’d share my answers here in the hopes that you might also share your responses in the comments!

What advice would you give your 22-year-old self?
Focus on the vision and culture of your companies over everything else. Never sacrifice those two things.

What advice would you give a new employee starting a leadership position?
Communicate clearly and often. Be a self-aware and empathetic leader. Never stop learning.

What’s something you do every day to ensure you’re learning and growing?
I don’t blog every day, but its the one thing I do on a consistent basis that forces me to think and have a perspective.

* See how I downplayed the award but also pulled a humblebrag? #bustedmyself

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