Be the superhero your younger self wanted you to be

Most of the time I have an idea for a blog post, I write it, and then I find an image that I think works well with it. Sometimes the image can add to the message and sometimes it simply makes the post look better.

Once in a while I find an image and it strikes me, “THAT is a blog post.” I thought that the moment I saw the above image.

I’m a husband and father first. My kids range from five to 12 years old, and there are FIVE of them. They’re so impressionable and full of wide-eyed optimism that it makes me try to be a better person. I want them to see me be kind to others. I want them to see me make good choices. To have patience (not always easy) and to be excited about their lives (much easier.) Essentially, I try to be the person that I want to be, in order for them to aspire to be that kind of person. No, to be better than that/me.

We all have the power to be the type of person we want to be, that we believe we could be. I’m not talking about gaining the ability of flight or shooting webs from your hands*. I’m talking about the kind of person we always aspired to be. Our vision of a superhero.

Why not start today? Pick something to do that will move you closer to being a superhero. I’m sitting in a diner writing this while I wait for my friend to arrive for breakfast. There are four police offers eating at a table, and I’m going to pick up their tab to thank them for their service. That’s the kind of person I want to be. Who do you want to be?


* That was a trick statement, anyone who knows Spider-man knows that he created his web-shooters, they don’t come out of his hands. So, if you really wanted to do that, I suppose you could. ;)

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