Trying to keep the cup from overfloweth-ing


Jeesh, things are busy. Good-busy, as people say, but busy for sure.

My very large (and amazing) family grew recently with a new puppy, which…why again did we do that? If you weren’t aware, we already have five children and a 3-year old dog. On top of dealing with all the crappy things (pun intended) that come with a new puppy, we also have jumped head first into our kids’ sports endeavors, which means almost every night of the week we have practices and then games on the weekend. I love the new puppy, and I love watching my kids play sports, those things just take up a considerable amount of time.

Things at Dragon Army have really heated up over the last month. We’ve added several new clients, are adding a few more team members, and because of this we’re adding additional office space. The work we’re doing is really exciting and I’ll be sharing some of it here soon. This is all great news because growth is what we’re after at DA.

48in48 (the nonprofit I co-founded last year) is gearing up for our second event in Atlanta in late October (sign up if you want to volunteer) and then our first time out of Atlanta, in New York in November (sign up if you can be there!) And we’re in the process of planning for 2017 which, at this point, includes an amazing city that we can’t yet announce…let’s just say I’m looking forward to the fish and chips.

Earlier this year I accepted my first Board Chair position of a nonprofit, with Central Outreach & Advocacy Center, a homeless-oriented nonprofit that is so near and dear to my heart. On top of Chairing that group, we’re also in the middle of a 3-year strategic planning process which its a huge process. Good-busy.

I’m writing a book, and I’ve made great progress of late thanks to some amazing friends and advisors. More on that soon, but I’m getting close to sharing the book proposal with agents and publishers.

And finally, I signed on to be a mentor for the first Techstars class of Atlanta. Over the past two years I’ve slimmed down the amount of things I was involved in, but I really want this first Techstars initiative to go well because its so terrific for our startup community.

I guess what I’m saying is, I’m sorry I have only been able to manage one blog post a week lately. With all of this stuff going on, its the blog that has suffered the most. I keep having plans to get back into it but I always find something else to work on. I’ll figure it out, just wanted to say thanks for the patience.


  1. Kendrick Disch on September 15, 2016 at 9:53 am

    I saw your pup! So cute! Sounds like a ton of positives going on… Hopefully you can slow down long enough for a beef jerky snack! Cheers!

  2. Julius Johnson on September 19, 2016 at 12:09 pm

    Congratulations on the success. It’s obvious you have a love for non-profit. I’ll keep on reading weekly.

  3. Rashidi on September 20, 2016 at 5:15 pm

    Congrats on Techstars and the new Puppy! That’s awesome.
    (And good luck with those fish and chips!)

  4. Jeff Hilimire on September 21, 2016 at 7:27 am

    Thanks Rashidi, hope you’re well! We should catch up soon :)

  5. Rashidi on September 21, 2016 at 10:52 pm

    You’re welcome, and we definitely should! I just shot you a note on Linkedin. :)

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