Update on my reading goal for 2015
My original goal was to read 12 books this year, with a stretch goal of getting to 20. I was excited to realize that I’ve now finished 22 and I’ll have a chance to get to 30.
I probably “read” an average of an hour a day, between listening to an audio book while driving, and reading at night before I go to sleep. Sometimes on the weekends I can get a few hours in, but again, usually at night. There’s a lot going on at my house to try to get reading done during a weekend day.
When I get really into a book, I find myself stealing minutes here and there on my iPhone. I typically read on my Kindle but its nice to have my book “with” me wherever I go…try to do that with your precious paperback books ;)
A quick analysis of the books I’ve read this year breaks down as such:
- 1/3 non-fiction / education
- 1/3 fiction
- 1/3 business-oriented
Take a look at the books I’ve read so far and let me know if there are any that seem similar that you think I should check out. I should probably start using Goodreads more or some servies that compiles books you’ve liked and suggests ones you might enjoy, but not the Amazonian way of doing it where its just an algorithm and its based on purchase.