Delta updates their website and in the process makes me feel kinda inadequate
Delta made some really nice user interface changes to their website recently. One such change, however, is a big pet peeve of mine. They changed from requiring a 4 digit PIN to requiring a password. But that’s not the peeve, I’m fine with a password. However, the password they require has to have numbers AND letters, and at least one capital letter. That is SO frustrating. I use sites with far more secure data than Delta – namely Amazon, Paypal and eTrade – and they don’t require the upper and lowercase syntax. This isn’t NASA, people*.
The second thing they added which probably seemed logical at the time, was a nice little indicator of your Medallion Qualification Miles (MQM). Now, I’ve flown quite a bit this year and I have 76,000 miles total MQM. And I get upgraded quite a bit with my Platinum status, which is awesome and one of the reasons I always try to fly Delta. But when I look at this new visual I feel like I’m barely trying.
* I assumed NASA passwords were pretty complex, so I checked, and I was right.
It’s hilarious you mention the password complexity. At a previous employer, our passwords had the typical “must use: upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters”. The kicker was that passwords could not contain any string that was a real word! So, if I wanted to use “Daisy123!” I would be denied since “daisy” was a word… It was crazy (and by crazy, I mean stupid).