Some interesting statistics for this blog

I’ve been in a bit of a slump lately in terms of blog posts. Not sure why. Things are busy at Engauge, sure, but that’s not really anything new. I guess there are times when you just don’t have a lot to say, so my typical 4-5 posts a week have been 1-2 posts over the last month.

I was digging around on the analytics for my blog in hopes of spurring myself out of this rut when I came upon some interesting statistics.

Over the last month, 25% of the traffic to my blog has been from the UK. 4% has come from Australian and another 4% from Canada. Contrast that with last year during the same 30 day period and the UK was 2.5%, and Australia and Canada 1%. Absolutely no clue what would be driving that.

The Evernote vs. Instapaper blog post I wrote a long time ago continues to be the #1 page viewed, every single month. Odd, since it really isn’t even a good post. #honesty

None of the top ten visited posts in the last 30 days were written this year.

Almost 500 visits this past month came from I can’t think that’s a good thing.

Over 1/3 of viewers are on Chrome, 23% on Safari, and about 20% for both Firefox and IE. Not surprising since I just read that Chrome is now the #1 web browser.

Here’s something interesting, 10% of all visits came from an iPad. But only .05% from an iPhone. That can’t be right.

Top 5 cities in order: Atlanta, New York, London, Sydney, San Francisco.


  1. Josh Martin on May 22, 2012 at 7:47 am

    So international…

  2. Jeff Hilimire on May 22, 2012 at 1:25 pm

    Plus I’m huge in China. #budumdumching

  3. Joe Koufman on May 23, 2012 at 11:44 am

    Isn’t that because you are a lot taller than the average Chinese citizen?

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