Hunger Games, check. Now for some more Lincoln.
Just finished reading the Hunger Games trilogy. My wife is always trying to get me to read more fiction. She says I read way too much business and non-fiction, and since she loved these books so much I thought I’d give them a try. Coincidentally, @drewhawkins thinks that reading fiction is good for your career. So there.
Regarding the Hunger Games, loved the fist one, second one was also pretty good though not as good as the first (a little more love story, less badassedness), and the third was good but slower than the first two. Pretty good ending.
I definitely recommend it. You’ll probably like it if you are a fan of Ender’s Game (if you haven’t read it yet, drop everything and do that now). It’s on the list of books I recommend…
I’m trying to read more Lincoln, so I’m now on to Abraham Lincoln: A Presidential Life. It’s a really good, short bio on Lincoln. I’m cruising through it and if you want to get to know Honest Abe quickly, this is a great way.
I read Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly last year. Funny, my democratic friends would probably think the vampire hunter book was more accurate since O’Reilly was involved with Killing Lincoln. Zing.
Anyways, not that you care about the very few books I read each year, but since I like finding out what others are reading I like to share that myself. As far as my new slight obsession with learning about Lincoln goes, I’m only just getting started. He’s fascinating and so critical to our history that I’m trying to make a point to learn as much as I can about him.
Plus he could kick the sh%t out of some vampires.
I’m reading the first Hunger Games book before the movie comes out and then jumping back into the “Dragon Tattoo” trilogy. Both wife-induced reading decisions but good books so far!
I’m definitely trying to read more these days. For the longest time I was just reading books on programming, or the pep-talk-of-the-month book. Then I started getting hooked on bios of people and companies I liked, like Walt Disney, Charles Schultz, Norman Rockwell and Pixar.
I hadn’t read much fiction in a long time, but in the last couple years have adopted Neil Gaiman as my new favorite writer, and have devoured several of his books. Some of them twice
. I do think, though, that I’m going to start doing non-fiction books as audiobooks in the car, and fiction at home. I find that if I’m trying to read something like a biography at home, especially with dates and numbers, I tend to get distracted and it can really drag on. Once I’m done with this new Disney bio, I’m gonna probably switch over to the new Stephen King book about the Kennedy Assassination.
LOVED The Hunger Games series – it was so hard to put down, I just wanted to keep reading. Very much looking forward to the movie coming out next month.
I’ve thought about reading the Abe/Vampire one, just because I feel like I’ve heard a lot of people talking about it. That and when my mom was really into genealogy, she traced our family back to Mary Todd, Lincoln’s wife, which is pretty cool to me. :)
Your kids must not be in middle school yet. Hunger Games is huge with that age group. I read the series because my then 12 y/o kept pestering me. (Good sign that she reads a lot and wants me to read the same things. Also allows me to push things for her to read.)
Movie comes out in about a month and she and her friends have countdowns going on Facebook. I’ll be taking 4-6 8th graders to the movie the Friday it opens. Yeah I’m “chaperoning” but I hope to enjoy it too!
I’ve been skeptical of hunger games. It seems very “Twilight” and I only made it through about 10 pages of that. It’s amazing how much the Kindle apps for my iPad and iPhone have ramped up my reading since I got them. I must read 10 times the amount I used to. The best part is they sync, so I can use my iPhone if I am out waiting on something for 5 minutes and then when I get home at night the iPad knows where I left off. The Audible iPhone app is also great for listening to books and a lifesaver if you sit in ATL traffic for 2 hours a day like I do.
Loved Vampire Hunter. Just watched The Conspirator by Robert Redford. Awesome movie about Surrat’s trial after the assassination.
AJ, I did buy the Disney book you recommended, that’s on my list. I’ll have to look up the Stephen King Kennedy Assassination book, that sounds pretty interesting…
WHAT. Are you kidding me, you’re related to Mary Todd?! Amy, that’s awesome!
Conspirator looks cool, I’m going to watch that one. You need to try Ender’s Game, have you read it?
Just finished reading Ender’s Game after your recommendation. Loved it. Couldnt put it down. Great story and very aspirational for being an effective leader. See a lot of its influence in your posts on leadership.
Thanks for the note DW, appreciate it. And glad you loved Ender’s Game, I can’t recommend it enough. Interesting that you’ve seen some elements of it in my posts on leadership, I think you’re right actually – thanks for pointing the out.