The difference between Apple and everyone else

This snippet from a Fortune interview with Walter Isaacson seems to put a fine point on what makes Apple different than every other company today.    I do think at Apple you have engrained in the DNA not just being tough on suppliers, but driving engineering to make a product as insanely great as it…

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Sorry Sprint, our little dance is over

Man, what a bummer. I was so happy to switch to Sprint last November in order to have direct integration with Google Voice. And if you’re not up on it, here’s more on what Google Voice is and the reasons I love it. Only, the “integration” is shoddy at best, working half the time and…

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An update to the Louis C.K. post

A lot of people have been reading and commenting on the Louis C.K. post I put up yesterday. And Social Fresh also ran the post (great conferences btw, if you haven’t been a highly recommend them) ~ thanks @jasonkeith. I kinda threw it up at first because I’m just such a huge Louis fan that I…

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What’s my blogging process?

I get asked from time to time what process I go through when writing blog posts. I wouldn’t say I have a specific process, but I do have some insights that might help people new to blogging. First off, I’m always thinking of new posts. Once you start blogging and you get into a routine,…

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What we can learn from Louis C.K.’s experiment

If you hadn’t heard, Louis C.K. (comedian) has done something very unique as an entertainer. He’s taken the game of selling his product (in this case a comedy special) into his own hands. Who is Louis C.K.? He’s personally my favorite comedian, though I have to warn you he’s fairly dirty. If I had to…

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