That’s cool Google wait no that sucks

Timing wise you probably thought this was a Google Plus blog, since that’s all everyone is talking about at the moment, but its actually not.  But let’s connect on Plus anyway so we can both see what the deal is.

No, this is a quick post about Google’s UI change to their mobile site, at least the iPhone version.  Sometimes I’m shocked at the little things that creep out of Google’s products that just don’t work right.

I noticed that Google had these nice little icons on the bottom of the page. Curious I clicked the fork and spoon icon and searched for coffee. I don't use Yelp much so this had potential...

Great, Orlando. Only I was in Atlanta. Come on Google, you can do better than that.

I feel like Google needs to be more buttoned up than this and it’s things like this that make me thing Plus will fail the way that Buzz did. However, I’m hoping for Plus to succeed because the world needs competition.


  1. David Burke on July 1, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    I’ve had that same issue with Google maps. I’ll search on maps for a Pizza joint near my house, and it keeps showing places in ATL. (i know i know, ATL is the center of the universe). :)  But still, seems like this should work much better. 

  2. Joe Koufman on July 1, 2011 at 4:31 pm

    Works great for me!  Another reason why Android rules…

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