What’s on my iPad homescreen

Every once in a while I post a screen shot of my iPhone or iPad homescreens.  I like being able to look back and see how my usage of certain apps has changed, but mostly I like to see what other people are doing with their devices, so please, share your homescreens!

iPad Homescreen

iPad Homescreen

Some notables:

I’ve only just recently become obsessed with Carcassonne.  @rkischuk is to blame.

I’ve also been using Notes Plus as a nice drawing/note-taking app when I want to visually capture something.  It’s what I used to create this diagram of my notes from a Seth Godin talk I attended.

OmniFocus now partners with my Calendar to effectively run my life.

Reeder is my app of choice for reading my Google Reader feeds.  @interpolate is to blame.

I use GV Connect to read and send SMS from my Google Voice account.

I don’t think there are any other surprises here.  Perhaps MindMeister has made the homescreen where it was probably on page 2 before.  I’ve been using it more to organize thoughts for some presentations and collaborate with fellow Engaugers on things.

What’s on your homescreen?


  1. PJ Walker on May 25, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    OK, I’m officially jealous!  Got my iPad 2 mid-April and now I crave this level of organization, so no shots of my home screen until after I clean it up!

  2. Where I get my news on June 23, 2011 at 5:17 am

    […] app on iPhone and iPad. It will definitely make the list of my favorite apps this year. In fact, check out my iPad homescreen, you’ll see it made the bottom dock, which is […]

  3. TS on January 9, 2013 at 9:47 am

    I don’t have a pic of it, but here are some apps I’ve added recently.

    Unstuck, Paper 53, 30/30, Over, Matcha, and The Room.

    Have fun –

  4. Tristan on February 18, 2016 at 2:11 pm

    Where did you get the wallpaper?

  5. Jeff Hilimire on February 19, 2016 at 4:55 am

    Wow, that was a long time ago. I think one of our designers made it at Engauge. Wish I still had it!

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