Can’t envision a world without Facebook? Looks something like this…

I’m not sure whether Facebook will win and become “the Internet” as we know it, or whether something like Diaspora will emerge and win, but this is a very intriguing idea…plus they’re raising some decent money and have momentum, so they’re worth watching… (thanks to @sanjay for tweeting this into my brain).


  1. Thomas L. Strickland on June 2, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    So basically, this will be like BitTorrenting your life.

    A great idea, but I'm afraid that the adoption rate is going to be hampered by an inherent learning curve. To be on Facebook, you go to the website and you sign up. Done and done. Running your own Diaspora node will be a piece of cake for anyone reading this blog, but what about our parents? It seems like the same people who blink at Facebook's complicated privacy settings will balk at the complexity of Diaspora's seed model.

  2. adamwexler on June 4, 2010 at 5:19 am

    i'm building on some thoughts i've read from others…everything sounds great in principle, but these kids will spend their money frivolously because they highly benefitted from the timing of the anti-facebook sentiment exploding throughout the social media layers. now they have $200k+ & they won't know what it's like to build a startup on a next-to-nothing budget. what happens when they hit the end of their runway? nonetheless, i'd love to see their 'idea' come to fruition…

  3. Jeff Hilimire on June 8, 2010 at 12:55 pm

    I also worry about the same thing, getting money early and getting USED to money early. I don't think this will work in the long run but I sure hope it does. Not to displace Facebook but to give some options. At some point options are going to open up and that's when Facebook will need to really evaluate their business.

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