A glimpse into the future of the social web

Facebook announced their intentions of making the web a more social experience via what they are calling the Social Graph at their F8 conference last week.  They also mentioned that Pandora was one of the first sites to incorporate these new plans.  This is just a small glimpse into the future of the social web……

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Thinking about getting an iPad? Read this first…

Having the iPad for a few weeks has been fun. I’ve used it to watch TV shows (thanks ABC), play Scrabble with a group of people who all used their iPhones to hold their letters (extremely cool, thanks EA and Hasbro), and I’ve been catching up on reading articles I’ve been storing (thanks Evernote). But…

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A new approach to customer value

In the recent issue of Peppers & Rogers Customer Strategist, my friend Ginger Conlon writes in the opening letter about “A Fresh Look at Customer Value“. Identify your most valuable customers She writes that “about 30 percent of customers deliver the majority of the average company’s profit, 50 percent add nothing, and 20 percent cost…

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