I heart Feedly

I have a confession to make.  I heart Feedly.  Don’t know what Feedly is?  It “feeds” off of Google Reader, taking the RSS feeds you already subscribe to and presents them in a magazine-like manner.  I’m fully addicted to feedly.

Feedly got smarter in the last month or so by adding more logic to the way it presents your content.  Check the tweaks they made below:

In the mornings – 6:00am to 2:00pm – the filtering logic will boost articles which have been published in the last few hours, giving you better access to what is fresh, what is happening right now.

In the evenings – 6:00pm to 6:00am – the filtering logic will instead try to determine what was important in the last 24 hours which you have not year read and try to surface those pieces of information.

In week ends, the filtering logic adapts again and tries to show you what were the best articles published in the last 7 days which you have not had the chance to read yes.

via Building Feedly.

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