Posts Tagged ‘social’
Debate: does a brand’s social voice belong at an agency or at the brand?
We spend a lot of time at DIG (Engauge’s Digital Innovation Group) talking about where the social voice — the Facebook statuses, Tweets, whatever MySpace calls their updates, etc — belongs. Should it reside only within the brand/company itself? Or should it be with an expert in social marketing who is trained on the brand…
Read MoreAnalytics is killing social media
Analytics, you can’t live with it, you can’t live without it I have a love/hate relationship with analytics. It’s always been the best and worst part of digital marketing. The best in that you can measure results to a far greater extent than with non-digital campaigns. You can tweak and adjust on the fly and…
Read MoreYour brand is either social or its anti-social, there’s no third option
Wondering whether or not your company should be using social media, but you’re just not comfortable enough to pull the trigger? If so, you’re probably practicing “anti-social” marketing. Oh, you probably have a ton of good reasons why you aren’t yet ready to move into social. I don’t want to spend a lot of time…
Read MorePresentation: 8 Digital Trends That Will Change Everything
Yesterday I gave a presentation along with Raghu Kakarala in Atlanta to about 70 digital marketers. The title of our presentation was, “8 Digital Trends That Will Change Everything“. We worked on this presentation for a few months, hemming and hawing on what those trends were, but we ultimately felt good about where we landed.…
Read MoreThe 7 Stages of Social Denial
I love introducing new social technology to people and watching them go through the 5 stages of social denial. They usually look something like this: Stage 1: The “Aw Hell No” Stage (today this would be things like Blippy — blog post coming about this btw) “That’s so lame, no one will use it” or …
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