Posts Tagged ‘location-based’
In case you missed it, my thoughts and feelings on the state of location-based apps
In an article on Friday in Ad Age, I lay out my thoughts on where the location-based app industry is and why I think it has to evolve. Article: Gimmicks Aren’t Enough to Drive Adoption of Location-Based Shopping
Read MoreBadges schmadges
Yesterday we hosted a “digital innovation day” at Engauge. We invited several tech companies to come and present the newest new, giving us and our guests a peek at where the digital world is headed. It was tremendous (for more, check out the tweets from #DIGday). Two of the companies that presented were location-based-esque. Kinda…
Read MoreI have seen the future of location-based apps, thanks to Tungle
I’ve been pretty vocal about how I’m down on Foursquare. Not their business model or potential, but how I’m personally struggling with Foursquare’s relevance in MY life. At the very least its pointed out to me how much cooler my friends’ lives seem to be. And I’ve been equally vocal about my current WeRewards obsession…
Read MoreWeReward paid me $10.09 to post this blog
Not really. But I did just earn $10.09 through the WeReward app. If you aren’t up on WeReward, you probably haven’t been reading my blog very much (busted). Here is a little about the way they’ve tackled the location-based application space, here is why I think WeReward is a possible winner in a crowded category,…
Read MoreLet’s talk location-based marketing
The most recent DIG:This podcast is up and its a conversation that we had with Pete Reilly on location-based marketing. It’s such an interesting space and the conversation could have gone on for much longer. We’ll definitely have Pete on again because the location-based tools today (foursquare, gowalla, mytown, loopt, yelp, etc, etc, etc) continue…
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