On this Election Day, I wish…

Today the nation votes for the next President of the United States, and I have but one hope. Let’s (hopefully) agree that no matter who wins, the next President will do his best to improve this country. You or I might not agree with the tactics or the strategy, but the intention will be to…

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How successful people start their day…

I almost blindposted this but was too curious and had to read the article ~ Fast Company: What Successful People Do With The First Hour Of Their Day. Although they pull from a very small, yet very successful sample group, its funny how absolutely off I was with my initial reaction. When I get up…

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Rediscovering Atlanta

I’ve lived in Atlanta since I was about five years old. Like most people, I’m a transplant from the North, with family roots in Chicago and New York and none in the South. If I’m being honest, while growing up the allure of Chicago and New York always left me with the “grass is always…

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This is my alegria. What’s yours?

Brazilians, I’m told, have a unique word for joy; Alegria – which describes the contentment that comes from celebrating life to the utmost. I was asked by someone yesterday what my alegria is. I thought for a while and came up with this – Experiencing new things with my family. Like the tropical storm we…

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