Pushing team members to think more like entrepreneurs
My friend Gene Hammett, whose book I loved and review recently, wrote an article for Inc.com entitled, “6 Ways Employees Should Think More Like Entrepreneurs.” I recommend you check it out, Gene knows what he’s talking about!
Gene interviewed me for this topic and included this blurb on my thoughts:
Jeff Hilimire, CEO of Dragon Army, a company that develops mobile strategy and applications, shared with me his take on the entrepreneurial mindset across all levels of the organization. “Most employees of a company wait to be told what to do and often struggle when roadblocks are presented. If they have an entrepreneurial mindset, they’ll look to tackle those problems head-on and solve the problems creatively.”
This strategy has worked for Dragon Army as the company has become a dominant player in mobile innovation.
“One of the things I see our clients struggle with when it comes to emerging technology is the ability to move faster, iterate more effectively, and generally ‘do more.'” Hilimire stated. Essentially, his leadership encourages people to act more like startup entrepreneurs to innovate and create valuable solutions.
At Dragon Army, we refer to ourselves as “creative problem solvers.” This mindset encourages our entire team to think outside the box, and look at challenges as hills to be overcome rather than walls blocking our path. In fact, even the name Dragon Army implies that we think and act entrepreneurially!