About those mountains you’re carrying…


When confronted with a difficult situation, there are two ways you can react.

You can think about the worst outcomes and the tough times that are coming, and internalize those feelings and cover yourself in stress and anxiety. Or in other words, you can take the mountain and put it on your back.

Or you can believe that life is a series of challenges, and all the hard work and experiences you’ve had so far have led you to this new challenge, and you’ve been presented with it because its something you can handle. You can decide, instead of wearing the mountain, to climb it and overcome it. To conquer it. And use the opportunity to test yourself and conquer something new.


  1. Aaron Cohen on February 14, 2017 at 10:16 pm

    Love this, spot on. When through a pretty tough time with the company we resell for. Were at a crossroads because business was booming but the barriers were piling up. Went negative first and it was a slippery slope. Had a breakdown and stuck my nose to the grind stone. Redirected all of my energy into closing more business and was distracted by all of the new work. Things are going great.

    Thanks for sharing, could completely relate and you hit a chord with this one.

    Feeling [in]spired


  2. Jeff Hilimire on February 15, 2017 at 9:41 am

    Terrific story, thanks for sharing!

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