Who to follow on Twitter after reading the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall


The book, Born to Run, is a must read for any runner. I listened to it on Audible while running, which I’ve learned is a great way to get motivated. When you read about people running in extreme situations, it really makes your three mile run seem easy.

There are incredible characters in the book, and I found myself wanting to see what they were up to day-to-day. Most of them had Twitter accounts, and since I couldn’t find a good list of them anywhere on the Internet (though this article is a nice update on what they were doing five years after the book,) I thought I’d throw them up here for anyone interested.

Christopher McDougall (author)

Barefoot Ted

Scott Jurek

Jenn Shelton and Billy “Bonehead” Barnett (couldn’t find him on Twitter)

Caballo Blanco – deceased :(


Other related Twitter accounts:

Runners World

Coach Jay Johnson

Running USA


Steve Kalclash (barefoot runner)

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