The evolution of the No A$$holes Policy: the No Bummers Rule

I wrote a little while back about how some companies need to have a “No A&&Holes Policy.” My point was that if you need that rule, there’s a good chance it’s too late for your company. You’re infested with a$$holes and it’s likely because the person/people at the very top allow it.

Which is really why I think, for Dragon Army, we don’t need such a policy. Because I won’t allow any a$$holes to run around our office. If (and when) it happens, our team will sniff that person out and we will get rid of them. Because, you know, a$$holes stink. #couldntresist

What’s easier to let slide over time is to have bummers in the office. People that pull everyone down and suck the energy out of the room. I suppose some companies can allow bummers, but my companies cannot. 

Our values at Dragon Army address this – I think – but I’m considering being more specific. Our values are: Team First, Think Positively, and Have Fun. I’m pondering changing “Think Positively” to “No Bummers.” Because I don’t *really* need people to always be positive, I just don’t want them to be negative. Also it’s possible “No Bummers” could supplant “Have Fun” as well, because the concept there is to allow yourself to enjoy work and your teammates. 

I guess I’m just thinking out loud, but I like the concept of “No Bummers.” I think people hear that they instinctively get it.


  1. Kevin Smith on July 7, 2016 at 10:21 am

    completely agree with this – I don’t know of a single successful person that I would consider to be a negative person. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

  2. Joe Koufman on July 7, 2016 at 9:45 pm


  3. […] Dragon Army, we don’t have anyone that doesn’t fit. No a$$holes for sure, but also no bummers. Clients that don’t fit with us, well they don’t last either. We recently walked away […]

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