Building great teams

Last night some of my old Spunlogic and Engauge friends got together for some drinks to celebrate one of the last Spunlogic holdouts to leave Engauge. Soon, there will be only one Spunlogician (I always loved that term for our team members) left.

For those that don’t know what I’m talking about, I sold my first company (Spunlogic) to Engauge in March of 2008. So the people that hung on from that day until now…well, they outlasted me by a few months even!

I was struck while celebrating with everyone just how lucky I have been to work with such amazing people over the last 15 years. Some of them are my closest friends while some I see rarely but when I do, its hugs and cheers for the chance to catch up again.

Then later in the night, I was with some of my new Dragon Army team members and the newest member leaned over to me and said, “You have some really great people at Dragon Army.” And he’s right, we really do have an incredible group of 13 at Dragon Army, not because they’re super talented (they are), but because they’re great people. And to me, that’s the most important piece of building a great team.


  1. […] Pro tip for younger me: Define your company’s Purpose and Values and focus on building teams […]

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