
I haven’t wanted to blog since Boston happened. Felt trivial to post something about my move from iOS to Android or how the new Chromebook experience is going. I’ll get to those, but they hardly seem relevant right now.

People react differently to tragedies like this. Where someone lives, how old they are, where they come from, their relationship to the tragedy…all of these factors slant how we react. For me, I have an eight year old boy that I often take to sporting events. So this has weighed particularly heavy on my mind.

But I reject the idea that “this is the new normal”. That’s the most consistent thing I have heard from people. “This is just the world we live in now.” I don’t buy it. I can’t buy it.

I believe people inherently want to be good. That we can change the world one person at a time to create a balanced and healthy community built on trust and respect.

Perhaps I’m too idealistic. But if you don’t believe that then what chance do we have other than to live in constant fear, trusting no one and focusing ever inward to the detriment of the community around us?


  1. Kaitlyn Dennihy on April 17, 2013 at 11:04 am

    I couldn’t agree more. And I have a feeling you will enjoy this article if you haven’t seen it yet.

  2. Scott Simpson on April 17, 2013 at 11:27 am

    I don’t think it is anything new. I do think that social media intensifies the effect though.

  3. ProjectSocial on April 17, 2013 at 11:37 am

    Jeff, I agree this isn’t the “new normal.” We will probably always live with the possibility that at some point, some whackjob could decide to blow up an event that you’re attending. But I thought we’d have a lot more attacks on our own soil after 9/11 and it’s taken 12 years. So this is NOT the “new normal” and you shouldn’t give up the opportunity to make memories with your 8-year-old and live in fear.

  4. Joe Koufman on April 17, 2013 at 3:57 pm

    This is what my cousin Jen, who has lived in one of the Boston suburbs for most of her life, had to say about the day:

    Patriots Day/Marathon Monday is always a highlight in Boston. It marks the unofficial beginning of our very late-blooming Spring, a day of neighborhood parties, barbeques…just the unassuming celebration of unassuming life here in Boston.

    Yesterday was a glorious day…impeccable weather for the race, the Red Sox winning at Fenway with a dramatic walk-off home run. Families & friends gathered along 26.2 miles through 8 cities & towns to cheer on their loved ones, co-workers, neighbors, even strangers. The streets were filled with cheer, both young and old… this was our day, a day that made us all proud to be Bostonians.

    As I stood amongst our friends and neighbors, cheering on the droves of runners from every continent as they passed by our corner in Wellesley, I was struck by what one friend referred to as the sheer joy of watching the “sea of humanity” following in their healthy pursuit, in the tradition of so many before them. We handed out Dixie cups of water to grateful, smiling runners who had just passed the half-way point on their momentous journey as part of this historic event. For me and so many who have grown up in Boston, this day is emblematic of the true character of Boston. We were all united in the support of one another, in the support of the friends and strangers who heralded the same appreciation for the history of our city, we stood united. And, despite how abruptly the celebration ended, united we shall continue to stand.

    Thank you for the outpouring of support and concern from our dear friends & family. We are all safe & sound, a little shaken but not rattled. And we continue to pray for those who were in harm’s way and for the sanctity & joy we in this “sea of humanity” deserve in peacefully pursuing the healthy dreams to which we all rightfully aspire.

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