Google Pixel Chromebook is the first non-Apple laptop I’ve wanted in years

I’m really enamored by the prospects of the new Google Pixel Chromebook. I’ve been a huge Macbook fan ever since I picked one up back in the late 2000’s. IMHO it just works better, and frankly I’m not going to start that debate here. Pretty much anyone that I’ve talked to that has used a Mac in the last five years seems to agree with this, with the only drawbacks being the higher price and the lack of as much customization / flexibility.

The Google Pixel Chromebook is the first non-Apple laptop I’ve seen that I actually want to try. Three reasons:

It’s almost entirely cloud-based. Since I strive hard to be as “virtual” as possible, using Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc., I love the idea of a laptop designed for those purposes and I think it will push me to be even more cloud dependent.

It’s always connected to the Internet. This is one I’ve been waiting on for a long, long time. To always have some kind of connectivity built-in to the laptop, either wifi or cell connectivity, is a huge plus to me.

It has a touch screen. I can’t tell you how many times I reach to touch my Macbook Pro’s screen and realize its not a touch screen.

I know all of these things are coming, much the same way the touchpads eventually landed on all laptops, but its possible I might switch to this Chromebook until that happens. It’ll have to be a pretty great OS for me to do that, but I’m saying there’s a chance…


  1. ProjectSocial on March 12, 2013 at 7:52 am

    Hi Jeff, as a recent converter to MacBook, I’ll agree with you! Adam has the regular Chromebook (not pixel)… we got it for him when his last PC laptop died, after too much time spent in the “blue screen of death” mode. I think he really likes it for reasons #1 and #2 that you mentioned above. He’d probably love #3. What’s the price point on this computer?

  2. Jeff Hilimire on March 12, 2013 at 8:15 am

    For the Chromebook I described (with LTE built in), its $1449, plus I assume a data plan with that, so its a little pricey in my opinion. But I still wanna try it ;)

  3. […] excited about seeing real alternatives in the market. Heck, even my Macbook Pro isn’t safe as I’ve ordered the Google Pixel Chromebook so I can try that […]

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