Putting the Google search controversy in perspective

Google made a major announcement about their search engine on January 10th. While theoretically the changes they announced are made to improve search results by making them more relative, the point that most people took from it was that Google is going to favor Google+, their social network, over other social networks like Facebook and…

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iCloud sucks. Literally.

I’ve struggled over the last month with the battery life on my iPhone 4S. I haven’t been able to make it through the day without having to recharge. And I couldn’t figure out why. When I traveled to CES last week, I was with my brother-in-law and throughout the day we would compare battery life…

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Maybe Google isn’t so evil after all

In case you’ve missed it, there has been a ton of talk about Google’s new search policy, which many think will skew their search results to promote Google+ over Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. The way it reads now, I have to agree that it seems like they’ve stepped a little over that line.…

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My CES 2012 Trip

If you’ve been to CES (Consumer Electronics Show) before, you know it can be a bit overwhelming. I really enjoy going (this is my second year) but it always takes me several days after to really sit back and digest what I saw. So what I decided to do was throw together a video of what…

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